Healthy Future

Pluriton is making a significant contribution to Poland's innovative and progressive poultry sector. Every day we lay new foundations for the health and vitality of day-old chicks and laying hens. Whether they are raised conventionally, in aviaries, free range or organically. We do this together with the rest of the industry in a transparent and sustainable manner.

We believe in a healthy future for the generations of today and tomorrow. Every day, we create the foundations of a BRIGHT NEW LIFE.

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Hatching eggs / day-old chicks / 17-week-old reared layers


Parent stock

The suppliers of our hatching eggs are carefully selected. The parent stock farms provide us with the volume to meet every demand. Together, we guarantee the production of high-quality hatching eggs, every day.


Hatchery and chicks

In combination with our high-quality hatching eggs, our own hatchery allows us to produce vital and healthy day-old chicks. As Pluriton in-house, we supply these healthy and viable chicks to our customers and contracted rearing facilities.



Pluriton works with carefully selected rearing facilities for each segment. Our breeders ensure the correct and transparent rearing of viable day-old chicks, so that at 17 weeks they become healthy, robust laying hens.


Layer breeds

Pluriton supplies the world’s three most popular layer breeds worldwide: H&N, Hy-Line and Lohmann. These top breeds are characterised by superior egg laying persistency and low mortality rates. Our salesmen provide advice to poultry farmers in a transparent manner and based on mutual trust.

Every day create the foundations of a BRIGHT NEW LIFE

Dealer from:



A clean start for a healthy flock

13 February 2025

In 2017, Jens Kronemeyer and his family decided to start a laying hen farm. Since then, he has been working with Pluriton, focusing on…

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How in-ovo sex determination works with MRI and AI, and these are the benefits

05 December 2024

Thanks to advanced technologies like MRI and Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is now possible to determine the sex of hatching eggs (in-ovo) without damaging…

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Practical tips for starting a new flock

07 August 2024

For a successful new flock, you need hens that are well feathered, lay many eggs and have low mortality rates. This is every layer…

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Pluriton In Europe

Pluriton Netherlands bv

Postweg 146
6741 MN Lunteren
The Netherlands
VAT: NL859946988.B01
REG: 74556630

Pluriton Hungary Kft.

Zrínyi u.11.
9024 Győr
VAT: HU26133777
REG: 0809034049

Pluriton Belgium BV

Schotelven 111
2370 Arendonk
VAT: BE0678.761.260
REG: 0678.761.260

Pluriton Turkey

Mansuroğlu Mahallesi
1593/1 Sokak, Lider Centrio No:2/74
35535 Bayraklı, İzmir
VAT: 7300695044
REG: 211877

Pluriton Poland Sp. z o.o.

Lewkowiec 60 A
63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski
VAT: PL781-199-85-79
REG: 0000796283

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